1. A color that you enjoy (and where you find it) - maybe it's because I was recently on vacation, but I enjoy the color blue...specifically Caribbean blue found rippling around the U.S. Virgin Islands.
2. A food or drink you have discovered recently that is just da bomb! Last October, I discovered (through the generosity of a friend) the Spiced Caramel Apple Cider at Starbuck's....taste of world peace, people!
3. A simile for tiredness - Tiredness is like a slow leak in your tire.
4. A random picture from your phone, camera or computer - hard to choose, but I love this pic of a little boy in our church and me. Somehow, we both ended up looking at the camera and smiling at the same time...a rare occurrence indeed.
5. Your least favorite bill: car mechanic, dentist or plumber? Car mechanic!
BONUS: If you are going to have a Lenten practice or discipline, what is it? If you have a book or on-line resource, be sure to share it!
This one is a little scary because if I write it, I will have to do it. I've got a few things happening at church, but for me personally, I will be participating in a book study on-line (I hope with the facebook group called New Benedictine Community). We are looking at a book called "Awareness" by Anthony deMello. But, the practice that will likely be hardest is keeping my mouth shut. I very much want to cease and desist saying negative things about individuals.
So, that is my Friday Five!