1) Is there a film that so captured your imagination that you couldn’t stop thinking about it? In what way(s) did it affect you?
Sound of Music...it gave me a lot of songs to sing when I have had too much coffee...nothing says "caffeinated" like The Lonely Goatherd.
2) What religious/spiritual film has touched you? This could be something overtly thematic, like The Last Temptation of Christ, or something more subtle, like Enchanted April.
Sound of Music...climb every mountain, baby!
3) When the going gets tough, is there a film you turn to for distraction and/or to help shift your mood?
Sound of Music...I simply remember my favorite things and then I don't feel so bad!
4) What is your all-time favorite movie?
Um, Sound of Music.
5) If you were to choose a film for viewing and discussion with your congregation, what would you choose?
Sound of Music...and we would have the discussion in costume.
Bonus: If your life were to be made into a feature film, who would you want to play you?
I'm trying to evoke a lyric from a Sound of Music song to slide in here in order to be witty and clever, but alas, it's too late in the day for such brain work! I adore SOM, as well, as the songs are, indeed, winners. Glad it can stretch to fit so many needs. Climb that mountain!