Friday, September 21, 2012


Today, I drove over to Durham to meet my dad at South Pointe. He was running late, but it was a beautiful day, so I sat outside on a bench for about 45 minutes. Usually, I have a book with me to read during times like this. But, today, I opted not to carry one and not even to buy a new one at the HUGE Barnes and Noble. And, I just sat on that bench with my feet in the sun.

I thought, "Nobody knows exactly where I am right now. And, nobody here cares who I am right now." It was a great moment of complete anonymity. So, I just sat and enjoyed it.

It was like a Sabbath.

And, I've wondered if that is what Sabbath is - anonymity. Our importance disappears as God's importance grows stronger.

All I know is that I rested. I looked at all the people walking by. I felt the sun. And, I breathed.

A great afternoon...

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