Thursday, August 2, 2012

Homeward bound...almost

Last peanut butter and jelly sandwich (which I've eaten every day I've been here). Last walk on my lovely little path. Last night in the dorm! Praise God from whom all blessings flow, and I'll sing a little Hallelujah as I put my flip-flops on for the last trip to the shower. After class, I packed up all that I could - certainly cannot put the coffeepot away until tomorrow morning. But, with my slow dismantling of my room, I think I can get completely out with only 2 more trips to the car. Then, we've got class until noon, and then we are outta here!

I think it's pretty impressive to complete nine class hours in three weeks. Somehow, I thought we'd have, you know, like a little time for a little fun. But, we are all such nerds that it's been all business.

Today's class ROCKED. I'm telling you, I love this teacher. We watched a couple of Harry Potter clips today - one was this one:

If you've seen the movie, you know that Harry and his friends start to meet outside of class to practice the things they want to know how to do. We talked about that little group as church - helping each other, correcting each other, being in community...and then our professor said, "So, you can minister in a group like this...or you can be the lady in pink. (remark met with silence and big eyes) OK, take a break!"

Brilliant! We've really dug into what is church in our world? What does it mean? What difference does it make?

In both good and scary ways, the conversations have been thought provoking for me.

I guess that gives me something to think about on the drive home tomorrow.

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